Cellular Imaging

Microscopy is probably one of the most ubiquitous tools used in any lab. Ranging from a simple upright microscope to study gross morphology through to sophisticated confocal or electron microscopes. The question is always what do I need to see? Cells interacting with their environment? Their internal structure? Their interactions with their neighbouring cells? Morphological changes to a drug treatment?

The answers to these questions will direct you to the correct technology for your application. Whether that be the requirement to analyse large populations of cells in suspension quickly or to studying a few cells over a long period of time we have a solution that fits.

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logo-biotek.pngBioTek – Cytation and Lionheart Imaging Systems

Compact, affordable and easy to use are the hallmarks of the imaging portfolio from BioTek. These imaging systems are custom designed by you to suit your imaging needs.

Automated Imagers – Lionheart portfolio of dedicated imaging systems capturing stunning images using magnifications up to 100X, z-stacking, montaging and time lapse in brightfield, phase and fluorescence channels.

Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Readers – a unique combination of automated digital microscopy and conventional microplate detection in a modular, compact platform. The Cytation portfolio design provides rich phenotypic cellular information with well-based intensity data.

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New Applications for common assays: